Banff, Canada, 2018


RE18 – IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference

We invite submissions in the following categories

1.Full papers (max. 6 pages)

Full papers should describe experiences and challenges of applying EARS in practical settings. Case studies and novel applications of EARS are welcome. Where feasible, authors are encouraged to include actual requirements in their papers.

2. Short papers (2 pages)

Short papers should describe experiences and challenges of using EARS, share visionary ideas, specific challenges and initial solutions, or take a position related to the use of EARS.

3. We would also welcome other submissions and suggestions for the workshop.

If you have an idea for a submission that does not fit into either of the paper categories, please send an email describing your proposed submission to the Program Chair (Jane Cleland-Huang)

Call For Papers:


Topics of interest include

  • Experiences in training, coaching and supporting EARS adoption and roll-out.
  • Requirements Tools for EARS.

Are standard requirements management tools used to document EARS? Is a requirements management tool necessary for managing requirements written in EARS? Are EARS requirements documented in general desktop applications such as MS Word or Excel? What the advantages and disadvantages of different applications? What tools exist that provide EARS-specific support to guide authors to write well-formed EARS requirements?

  • Where in the systems development lifecycle has EARS been used?

If there was a spectrum from thoughts in people’s heads all the way to working systems (zeros and ones, hardware, integrated systems or socio-technical systems), then where on that spectrum would EARS fit? Does EARS span the whole spectrum?

  • Use of EARS with other approaches.

How is EARS used with UML or other modelling approaches? Is EARS used to document Goals? Are EARS requirements traced to Goals? If so, how? Is EARS used within or alongside User Stories? Is EARS used instead of User Stories?

  • Where does EARS fit on the informal – formal spectrum?
  • What are the limitations of EARS - Which types of requirement are difficult to write in EARS?
  • What are the limits of EARS for Non-Functional Requirements?
  • Use of EARS in non-requirements statements.

How has EARS been used for other statements such and Goals, User Stories, Test Scripts, Legal documents, Regulations, Work Instructions?

  • Experiences on EARS in relation to other Natural Language (NL) notations.

How does EARS compare with other NL approaches? What are the advantages and disadvantages of EARS compared to other NL approaches?

  • EARS and Natural Language Processing (NLP)/parsing/automation.

Submission Instructions

Please submit your papers by June 12th through Easychair: here

All papers must be in pdf form and follow the IEEE formatting instructions used by the main conference here