Mrs. Walters' Leaders

Please make sure to make yourself familiar with the class website, as we will use this to keep you updated on information and events happening in our classroom and school. You will also find links throughout the website for calendars, permission slips, and other important information that will be sent home. I will also try to keep the calendar of events updated as much as possible. It is my hope to have our technology crew working on weekly updates! The intention of this classroom website is to allow your kiddos the opportunity to keep you informed and creatively use technology in the classroom.

Classroom Announcements

  • AR Progress - Your child should be at 25% of there goal by November 21, 50% by December 8, 75% by January 11, and 100% by January 26

  • The birthdays of November is Madison Kanouse on the 17 on the 3rd is Heath Palamaki

Announcements by Zane Visser and Kelsie Tuinier

Box Tops

Please start saving those Box Tops for our classroom competitions! Please cut them out right on the lines and send them into our classroom when you can. We have a tub to collect our box tops in our classroom.

Leader of the Week

The first leader of the week was Heath Palomaki Heath was a leader because most of the time he is quiet

The second leader of the week was Graham Kubiak Graham is a leader because he pay attention and is always on task

Makenzie Rose is leader of the week because she is caring

Donnie Yant is leader of the week because he is nice and helpful to his friends

Leader of the week section by Kelsie Tuinier and Zane Visser

4th Grade News

Please read the newsletter below written by out 4th grade communication crew

Oct. Newsletter