Prep and Year 1


Welcome parents, guardians and students to the Prep/1 Parent Portal. We are so excited for this special year of learning. 

You can find all the necessary information below such as; timetables, uniforms and homework tasks. Just a friendly reminder we also use Seesaw and SZapp to communicate any classroom news. 

Feel free to reach out to us via email if you have any additional questions or concerns.

Miss Ardley and Miss Power

Homework - Year 1

Homework in our class may look a little different to what you may have experienced in the past. The homework sheets aim to provide you with some information about what you can do with your child at home to revise what we are doing in the classroom. 

Homework is a great way to reinforce skills with your child. It can also keep you updated with what we are doing in the classroom. In saying that, life gets busy!

Home Reading

The one thing that I would like you to prioritise is reading with your child every day at home. Your child will bring home 3 readers a week. The readers are at a level that students will be able to read at home with confidence. Home readers are not meant to be hard. Remember, your child can read a reader more than once as “good readers re-read books.” 

I would encourage you to schedule nightly reading into your home timetable. This should be no more than 15 minutes. Please don’t forget to record this in your child’s Reading Diary as these will be collected EVERY Friday. 

Home Activities

Each fortnight, your child will bring home an activity/game or homework grid. Your child can choose 4 of the 6 activities to complete for homework. Please make sure that the activity you have chosen has the date you completed it at the top of the page. Parents are asked to correct their child’s work to ensure that they are receiving timely feedback. 

The aim of this activity is for you to spend time with your child, playing or completing the task together. 

If you have any questions regarding homework, please email Miss Ardley at 

Please see below for the latest homework sheets. 

Term 1

Homework will be posted here each week so that you can see what has been set for your child to complete. 

UPDATE! Homework will now be due on Mondays instead of Friday. Students will still have 2 weeks to complete the homework tasks. 

Term Overviews

Term 3

Term 4


In order to make the most of each learning day we begin our learning at 8:45am each morning. This includes setting up for the day, handwriting or maths practise. We therefore ask that all students are punctual so that we can optimise the learning day and students begin the day calm and settled.

Reading Diaries 

Reading Diaries will be checked on Friday and students will have the opportunity to change their readers daily. Students are expected to read each day and record in their Reading Diary the books they have read. We ask that students record the book they have read and parents initial the diary. 

Class Sport 

Each week the students will have two sports lessons that will involve a fitness and skills component. Students will need to wear sports uniform on Tuesday and Thursday.


Year 1 students will be given homework every two weeks. The homework tasks will be given out on Fridays and must be handed in by the following Friday, two weeks from the first hand out date. All homework details will be available on this page for easy reference.

Specialist Timetable

Tuesday - Art, STEMS, Performing Arts and PE (please ensure your child wears their sports uniform on Tuesday)

Nut Allergies

Just a reminder that we are a nut free school so please do not send your child to school with any foods containing nuts.


All classes have been allocated a time each week to visit the Library and borrow a book of their choice. Therefore, they will need to bring in their library book and a bag for these books.