K-12 Education

Data Visualization, Civic Engagement, Community Asset Mapping, Field-data collection, Historic Preservation, Safe Routes To School, and more

Using Mappler technology connects students to the world around them. Student mapping projects are physically, intellectually, and emotionally engaging. Mappler makes the local and global environment come to life in the classroom.

Mappler can be used in education in a number of ways depending on the age and skill set of students. Educators can integrate interactive and participatory mapping in the following ways:

1. Teachers can develop their own interactive Mappler sites to incorporate into the curriculum and use as a tool to teach and engage students in different materials.

2. Class projects: students can collaborate with each other to collect data and represent a common interest. These projects can be done in a day or as on going year-long projects.

3. Personal projects: each student can develop his or her own mappler site. Topics that are personally relevant to each student can be used as a tool for personal development in a year or multi-year long assignments.

IMSocio, A partnership between Dr. Wansoo Im, President of VERTICES, and Scholars Organizing Culturally Innovative Opportunities