Verona High School Summer Reading Pilot Program

To participate, please complete this Google Form.

To build a strong community of lifelong readers, Verona High School has developed a NEW summer reading program in which students may choose to meet with their favorite teachers in faculty-led book clubs. 

Our goal is to both allow students considerable choice in selecting a book on a topic which genuinely interests them, while also fostering connections between students and faculty around a common text. 

Students participating in a faculty-led book club will choose one text from the below selections. During the summer months, students are to read and encouraged to annotate the book of their choice (taking notes in the margins, highlighting, and using a reading log to record thoughts and questions about subject, character, setting, plot, and main ideas to prepare for their book cub meeting). If the book is borrowed from a library, students should use Post-It notes instead of writing in the book. 

When we return to school in the fall, students will meet with their faculty-sponsor and fellow book club members for a discussion. Students will be excused from class. While we expect that students will come prepared to discuss their book club selection, this discussion is not graded. Students who participate in the faculty-led book club program DO NOT need to complete the pre-reading and post-reading reflection form. 

Please browse the below Summer Reading Pilot Program texts and, if you choose to participate, complete this Google Form. 

Faculty Sponsor

Mrs. Kobylarz, English Department

Faculty Sponsor

Mr. Felano, Special Education Department


Faculty Sponsor

Ms. Kelly, Library Media Specialist

Faculty Sponsor

Mrs. Groff, English Department

Faculty Sponsor

Mr. Orr, Math Department 

Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Miller, Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Faculty Sponsor

Mr. Wertz, Math Department

Faculty Sponsor

Mr. Cross, Business Department


Faculty Sponsor

Ms. Enste, English Department

Faculty Sponsor

Mr. Munoz, English Department 

Faculty Sponsor

Mrs. Peter, Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Faculty Sponsor