Senior Information

Dear Senior Parents:

As graduation rapidly approaches, we want to take this opportunity to keep you informed of the various upcoming events.  

Listed below is a schedule of graduation related events and the required attendance times for you and/or your child.   This is TBD and will be updated as dates grow closer.

Academic Signing

Marian Ceremony

Whole School - Last Student Mass & Theology Awards 

Upper School Athletic Awards

Honor Graduate Meeting - Virtual via Google Meet

 Senior Award Night

Graduation Practice

Baccalaureate Mass / Graduation Ceremony

If anyone requires special seating for handicapped family members, please notify Ms. Liz Dartez or Ms. Reba as soon as possible.

Please ensure that all students are appropriately dressed for all events.  Boys must be clean shaven & have a haircut that meets uniform criteria for all graduation activities.  Financial obligations must also be cleared with the Bookkeeper prior to senior exams.

Congratulations on achieving such an exciting milestone!  We look forward to seeing you at all graduation festivities.


Dr. Stella Arabie, Principal

Liz Dartez, Upper Librarian      

Reba Broussard, Senior Sponsor