⭐Internet Safety Requirements for All VUSD Teachers and Students

  • The VUSD Digital Citizenship web site has been organized to provide teachers with lessons and resources that will comply with this legislation. (The minimum number of lessons required per grade level is explained on the grade level pages. The maximum is three, one in each area.)

  • All school sites are required to develop an Internet Safety Implementation Plan, that identifies the project lead (principal or assistant principal or site specialists), date of teacher training, identifying teachers who will provide instruction, and a timeline for completion of instruction.

  • The schools must provide the district with evidence of Internet Safety instruction for all grade levels each year. This will be done through an electronic form managed by the projects leads and this site, in which teachers who are responsible for teaching the lessons will complete by the end of September. (The survey results will be sent to the principal and/or designee responsible for the implementation of the Internet Safety plan.)

NOTE: Each school site's Internet Safety implementation plan determines those teachers providing instruction at each grade level.