Join the PTO

We encourage and welcome all Balboa families to become members of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).  The membership fee is only $10.00 per family member for the entire year.

Balboa Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to enhance and support the educational experience at Balboa Middle School, to develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parental involvement, and to improve the environment at Balboa Middle School through volunteerism and financial support.

As a member, you'll have voting rights at the monthly PTO Meetings to decide how funds are spent,  what activities are planned, and how to enhance our children's experience at Balboa Middle School. 

A little goes a long way and we can't do it without you!  Aside from becoming a PTO member, there are other ways to be involved and support our school and that's volunteering!  Please consider volunteering for various upcoming events/activities to support our school and children.  Volunteer opportunities come up often, so please feel free to reach out to anyone on our PTO board to inquire about them. 

How to Become a Member: 2-Step Process

How to Become a Volunteer: 

Express interest via PTO Membership Form or email:  Balboa PTO President <>

Types of volunteering events include fundraising assistance, staff appreciation, baking, open house, 8th Grade Promotion**, and more! 

** PTO Members that volunteer at a BMS 8th Grade Promotion PRIOR to their students’ 8th grade year can earn reserved seating at their students’ promotion ceremony. This option is the only way to secure reserved seats and it must be BEFORE your student is in 8th grade. Please make sure to sign in during your volunteer shift to document your presence. (Up to 4 reserved seats per family for volunteering for 1 year, or up to 8 reserved seats per family for volunteering for 2 years.)

How to Donate

Follow the payment methods above. Write "DONATION" in the comment/notes section.