Mrs. Fickenscher

Bill Nye is one of my teacher heros because he makes learning fun.  I was THRILLED to get to meet him and get his autograph at a recent Science Conference.  I like this picture not only because of Mr. Nye being in it, but because of what is going on the background.  I feel like we could write a story about the people behind him!!!

Just a little bit about me.  I am super excited to be back at Mound this year.  My own kids are Mound graduates and I truly believe in the programs and teachers here!  Starting as a “Mound Mommie” while my kiddos were young, I was lucky enough to be a long term sub, student teacher, job share and most recently, theme teacher, all at Mound.  I was even able to use Mound students to help me fulfill the requirements for my Masters of Education in Digital Teaching and Learning.  I have been very lucky that my career has taken me to every elementary grade level, except Kindergarten, including a short jaunt in 3rd grade at ATLAS.  Through that experience, I’ve learned my heart and passion is in 5th!  VUSD has also provided me with lots of opportunities to continue my education and growth!  I spent two years out of the classroom training other teachers as a teacher on special assignment (TOSA) in Technology Curriculum Integration.  In those two years, I’ve became a Google Certified Educator as well as a Leading Edge Digital Educator.  (Can you tell I have a thing for technology!!  We will talk about balance at our parent night!)  Again, my TOSA experience helped me to realize that administration probably isn’t where I’m happiest and being with kids and in the classroom is where I belong!

I am and will always be a mom!!!  I love my family and am super proud of them all!!

My husband is the original tech geek and has been programming and project managing as long as I've known him. (He's my original nerd and after a million years of marriage, I still adore him.)

 My oldest went to UC Davis and graduated with a double major in Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering.  ( nerd!...and I couldn't be prouder!)  He is currently working as a biomedical engineer at Medtronics.

My middle one has a BS in Aeronautical Science and a pilots license from Embry Riddle in Arizona.  This year he will finish accumulating his flight hours as a flight instructor with the hopes to gather enough flight time to be hired by a major airline! (Another nerd and I'm anxiously waiting for those free flights I keep hearing about.)

My baby daughter just graduated as a STEM Nutrition major in the honors college at Syracuse!!  Yep...that's way over in New York which, in case you are not good at geography, is CLEAR across the country!!  She just finished her Dietician Internship hours and has started her first "real job" as a Registered Dietician!!  I will miss her dearly and am a little crushed she fell in love with New York.

These guys fuel my fire and not only inspire but put up with me on a daily basis!!

Disneyland has always been my family's "Happy Place."  It has become a family tradition to begin the holiday season with a trip to Disneyland and California Adventure!  I can still picture the excited faces of my toddlers as we walked down Main Street when they were little.  There is truly something special about Disneyland...especially Disney in the Winter!!

Life Long Learning!!!