Performance Data Analysis Software

With 5Lab, administrators can capitalize on the rich insights contained within their student data, regardless of where that data resides. 5Lab makes it easy to combine all of your data—eLearning activity, internet access, attendance tracking, discipline, course enrollments, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and more—and presents your information in easy-to-understand visual dashboards that can be customized to answer the key questions your district is wrestling with to accelerate decision making.


5Lab gives instructional leaders the capability to make data-driven decisions on how to best support students at the school. Whether it be by subgroup, grade-level, or course, objective data can be pulled to identify the strengths and areas of need to be addressed. Some examples of this use include:

  • plan for a summer program targeting students in need of writing support

  • prepare a report for School Site Council Meeting

  • identify courses in which EL students are struggling to provide professional development on GLAD strategies to staff

  • working with a cohort of new teachers to state an instructional focus area based on initial diagnostic assessments

Tutorials for Users:

Below are short videos highlighting navigation and content of each Guided Analysis field

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Suspensions Analysis

Coming when more data is available

Discipline Analysis

Coming when more data is available