About VDBP

Upon request, the Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness can provide training and consultation (also referred to as technical assistance or TA) to families, classroom teachers, special education teachers, paraprofessionals, related service providers, administrators and other educational team members who work with students (birth to 22) with a combined vision and hearing loss via telephone, on-line, or face to face contact.

Trainings may focus on the needs of an individual on the child count or deaf-blindness in general. Topics may include:

  • Impact of deaf-blindness

  • Communication

  • Behavior

  • Educational programming

  • Transition

  • Social/emotional development

  • Assistive technology

  • Resources

  • Assessment

  • Curriculum development

  • Other topics as requested

Please note:

  • We must have parent/guardian consent before we can provide services.

  • We can only provide in-direct services. We cannot provide direct services due to the type of funding supporting the project.

  • We cannot take on mediation or advocacy roles of any kind. Doing so would violate grant and federal requirements to provide services to all parties involved. Our role is to provide child focused services. We are a neutral party at all times.

Please refer to the Virginia Department of Education's document, "Deaf-Blind Eligibility" to understand more about this low-incidence disability and the impact it has on a child's communication, literacy development and access to the general curriculum.