
Courses Taught at VCU:

STAT 212 – Concepts of Statistics

STAT 435 – Industrial Statistics

STAT 541 – Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

STAT 546 – Linear Models Theory

STAT 642 – Design and Analysis of Experiments

STAT 650 – Response Surface Methodology

STAT 742 – Advanced Design and Analysis of Experiments

SYSM 681 – Systems Seminar I (Writing a literature review)

SYSM 683 – Systems Seminar III (Writing a dissertation proposal)

MATH 591 – Applied Statistics for High School Teachers

MATH 664 – Probability and Statistics for Teachers

DAPT 621 – Statistics for the World of Big Data: Linear Statistical Models

DAPT 622 – Statistics for the World of Big Data: Multivariate Methods

Syllabi for many of these courses can be found HERE.