VCS Forms Portal


Tuition Tax Credit

Wisconsin state law allows parents to deduct private school tuition on their taxes. Under the program, parents statewide can deduct up to $4,000 per student in grades K-8, and up to $10,000 per high school student. Please read this letter from our Business Manager, Mr. Muthig. 

Our Vision

Valley Christian School graduates Christ-centered world changers.

Our Mission

All Valley Christian School students will discover their God-given design, be equipped to reach their full potential, and boldly impact their world for Christ.

Core Values

Portrait of a Valley Christian School Graduate

VCS Graduates:

·       Passionately utilize their God given gifts in their home, church, workplace and community.  

 ·       Think critically, with an intellectual curiosity, able to evaluate information and actions of themselves and others in the light of God’s word. They are academically prepared to excel in their vocation and higher education. 

 ·       Are positioned to be world changers, confident in Jesus as their cornerstone and aware of the many possibilities the future holds for them to fulfill God’s purpose and glorify His name.  They are able to clearly articulate the gospel and possess strength of character which includes self control, respect for authority, integrity, and honesty.