AI Presentations 

Revolutionizing Education with AI

This presentation was created using several AI tools built into Canva!

Link to PDF of presentation with speaker notes.

Curiopod - AI Presentation Creator

This presentation utilized the Curipod platform, which is an interactive presentation tool. Teachers can create their own lessons in Curipod, or use the AI generator which can generate interactive slide presentations in seconds!

AI Literacy, Ethics & Bias

This presentation for #FallCUE focused on the responsible use of AI with students, addressing bias in AI and the ethics of AI. Several links to hands-on activities you can do with students of all ages to introduce them to AI, data sets, and bias. 

Tome  - Interactive AI Presentation Tool

This presentation was created using Tome platform, introducing ChatGPT and AI as it pertains to education. 

Tome - The AI Storytelling Partner.

Prompt Engineering

Preparing Students for Generative AI Environments

How can we teach students skills needed for today's fast-paced and technology-driven world?

In this session of the AI in the Classroom online webinar series, we will provide educators with practical strategies and resources to teach prompt engineering in their classrooms by leveraging various frameworks and strategies such as Prep and Edit, and the SPACE framework which can help to build critical thinking and analysis skills. 

Link to presentation

ETC3 Presentation

Combination of the Revolutionizing Education for the Communications Directors and Prompt Engineering. This slidedeck was created using the AI tools in Canva combined with Microsoft Bing's Image Creator, ChatGPT, and other AI tools. 

Click to view the presentation