What Is Schoology?

Schoology (skoo-luh-jee) is an online tool that allows teachers to create and manage academic courses for their students.  It simplifies the teaching and learning process by connecting most of the tools you need within one single platform.  Schoology provides an efficient method of managing lessons, engaging students, sharing content, and connecting with other educators while focusing on communication and collaboration.  In addition, it allows schools to communicate more efficiently, both internally and externally.

Getting Started With Schoology

New Teacher? 

Once you log in to Schoology, you will see you were automatically enrolled in an optional, self-paced course that will also guide you through how to use Schoology. 

Please email Cassie Schaffer (cschaffer@vbschools.net) with any questions or if you would like to schedule an in-person tutorial to get you started!

How do I get logged into my Schoology account?

Be sure to use the URL vb.schoology.com

Log in using your VB Google account information

How do I access a PD course I am participating in on Schoology?

Courses you are enrolled in or are an administrator in will be displayed on your Course Dashboard.

The leader of your PD session may have added you (you will see the course tile) or if the course tile is missing, you will need to ask the leader for an access code (see this video for directions on entering the code).

When will the courses I teach be added to my Course Dashboard?

The courses you teach are tied to our student information system (DASL/ProgressBook). Once all information has been finalized for the school year (typically a few days after Opening Knight in August), your course tiles for the new school year will appear. You should not create your own courses to use, as these won't be linked with our student information system.

Van Buren's Model Course Requirements

In an effort to help keep the page design consistent for parents, we are asking that all courses be designed similarly. There are 3 must haves for every course. Click the infographic for specifics and links to sample course layouts.

Beginning of the Year Guides

When will the courses I teach be added to my Course Dashboard?

The courses you teach are tied to our student information system (DASL/ProgressBook). Once all information has been finalized for the school year (typically a few days after Opening Knight in August), your course tiles for the new school year will appear.

How do I update the buttons on my Schoology page?

Guide can be found here.

How do I get materials from last year's course into this year's course?

Written guide can be found here

How do I set up my gradebook?

Written guide can be found here.

How do I share materials with an instructor who is teaching a course that I taught last year?

Written guide can be found here.

Our team likes to share materials. Each person is creating certain resources and we would like to all be able to use them. Can we do this?

Yes! The written guide can be found here.

How do I use Google with Schoology?

View a list of videos on using Google here.

I teach multiple sections of the same course. Should I like my sections together so I only have to post things once?

Should I Link My Schoology Sections?

How To Link Sections

Throughout The Year Guides

I'm having issues with my Google account connecting.

Start here.

End of the Year Guide

I am getting a notice that my course will be archived! Help!

Schoology courses are tied to our calendar in our student information system so your courses will automatically archive on the last day of the school year. You (and students) will still have access to your archived courses. Learn more about archived courses here

How do I share materials with an instructor who is teaching this course next year?

Written guide can be found here.

Additional Schoology Resources For Teachers

An app created by @RocketEdTech with a variety of Schoology created video tutorials.

Schoology Resources for Students & Parents

MS/HS Student Tour of Schoology

Parent Tour of Schoology

Parent Schoology: Viewing Grades & Missing/Incomplete Assignments