Michael Wesely

Instructional Technology Specialist

Kempsville Elementary School

As a technology coach, much of what I do is based on the personal relationships developed with my co-workers. It is a very critical part of my job. Implementing technology in classrooms is asking teachers to step away from the work that they are really attached to. It is connected to their nurturing and guidance of children and they have a huge sense of responsibility to them. Often they are using tools that have worked for them and are comfortable with. In order to ask them to take risks, learn new mindsets and ideas, I first must make them feel safe.

Often the challenges I face are dismantling fear of technology and the mindset that you have to be proficient with the tech before you teach it. Teachers are used to the mindset of being proficient with the curriculum before they teach it. With technology, I am sharing with the teachers that they do not have to master of it before using it, they just need to know what they want and expect as a finished product! I encourage them to jump into the pool with the kids and teach them how to swim beside them. To let go of that role of "Keeper of Information," and learn how to become more of a facilitator and learn along with the kids.

Teachers always need more of in a day is time. Many aspects of technology not only offer that, but they can increase student engagement, learning, and keep teachers even more informed of exactly where their students are in the learning process with actual data to back up their observations. Blended learning promotes student agency and can lead the teacher into a role of facilitator allowing the students to build their own connections to the learning. When students are doing that, the learning is more impacting, meaningful, and they learn beyond the objective or expectation!

-The amazing people I work with! I helped direct and did all editing and production work for the school's lip sync challenge.