About me/ Contact me

Want to hear a Biff Buffington 'sports-report'?  https://www.wevideo.com/view/2992377129

Name:  Tim Dishaw

Age:  Not tellin'

From:  New York and Connecticut

Likes:  Students, teaching, chocolate, dogs, military services, sports.

Dislikes:  Whiners and people who don't take responsibility for their choices.


Hello!  So who is this teacher and what is he all about?  My name is Tim Dishaw (most call me “Dish” or Mr. ‘D’), and for the coming year all of us will be working together for what I feel will be a very exciting and enjoyable time.  I will be asking you to become an active participant on several occasions.  So be ready!  I am no stranger to Virginia Beach; I have lived here since 1986.  In November of 1999, I completed a twenty-year career in the United States Navy.  For eight of those twenty years I specialized in instructing, facilitating, and curriculum development.  My last three years in the service were spent educating literally hundreds of Navy personnel in Human Relations areas of race, diversity, and sexual harassment prevention.  I then earned my Masters in Education from ODU, and began teaching here at KMS.  

Email:  tim.dishaw@vbschools.com

School:  Kempsville Middle

860 Churchill Drive

Virginia Beach, Va   23464

(Unfortunately the only way to reach me on a consistent level is through email.  I check it everyday and will do my best to answer/address any concerns you may have within 1 day.)