VPS Newsletter


Welcome to Vauxhall's Newsletter:

Summer 2 , Week 3: Friday 21st June 2024

In this issue...

...+ our regularly updated Diary Dates, Term Dates, our weekly Headteacher Awards, Weekly Attendance & Punctuality figures, TT Rockstars and Guess the Teacher. 

Headteacher's Comments 

Mental health and well-being are central to our mission at Vauxhall Primary. It's not just the work that the adults do; it's also the vital contributions of our pupils in supporting each other to manage difficulties and big emotions.

Congratulations to our Wellbeing Ambassadors, who have worked tirelessly to develop their leadership skills this year. Their dedication to supporting their peers and collaborating with other schools has been truly inspiring. This morning, they were rightfully recognised for their hard work and received their achievement certificates in assembly.

We look forward to the exciting projects they have planned for this term and the upcoming year.

Article 24 (health and health services) Every child has the right to the best possible health. Governments must

provide education on health and well-being so that children can stay healthy

Eid Enterprise Extravaganza    

The Eid Enterprise Fair was a resounding success, providing pupils and families with an invaluable opportunity to hone their business skills while applying knowledge from their Maths lessons. Throughout the fair, pupils managed their class stalls, calculated costs, profits, and handled transactions, making the learning experience both fun and educational.

A special acknowledgment goes to the parents, whose dedication and support were instrumental in the event's success. Your contributions of time, effort, and resources were indispensable, ensuring the fair ran smoothly and was a memorable occasion for everyone involved. Thank you! 

Article 14 (freedom of thought, belief and religion) Every child has the right to think and believe what they choose and also to practise their religion, as long as they are

not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. Governments must respect

the rights and responsibilities of parents to guide their child as they grow up. 

Year 5 Oval Games 

This week Year 5 went to the Kia Oval to take part in the 2024 Oval Games, where all the children represented the team in a variety of track and field athletics events. The pupils had a great time in the sunshine out on the world famous Oval pitch and managed to win 3 Gold, 3 Silver and 5 Bronze medals, which won us third place in the medals table overall.

Well done Year 5!

Year 2's Trip to the Recycling Centre

On Monday, Year 2 went on a class trip to the WRWA Recycling Centre. It was an exciting and educational experience for everyone – especially the adults! The students learned about the importance of recycling and how it helps the environment. Students toured the facility, observing the sorting and processing of recyclable materials and seeing the wide variety of vehicles and cranes involved in making sure we live as sustainably as possible. The children participated in interactive activities, which included identifying different types of recyclables and understanding the recycling process. 

Soundscape Music Assembly 

This week, Years 1 to 5 were lucky enough to have a music assembly delivered by the Soundscape Company. The assembly was delivered on the keyboard and they got to see how the keyboard can be used in different ways to imitate different instruments. We heard the piano being played, trumpets and many more! Some children even had the opportunity to play the keyboard!

Article 31 (leisure, play and culture) Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.  

Maths Assembly

To celebrate the hard work of our students in Maths this year, Mr McQuillan hosted a Who Wants to be a Millionaire assembly for pupils to participate in and show off their learning from the Year. Congratulations to Kira in Year 6 and Alec in Year 3 who managed to come out on top, but we were really impressed by excellent knowledge our pupils were able to share.

Sports Day

Sports Day is taking place on Friday 28th June.  Please ensure that your child wears their P.E kit (Navy shorts / joggers and a t- shirt of the colour of their house team) and brings a water bottle and a sun hat if the sun is shining. The day will commence at 9.30am. We are looking forward to seeing you all on the day to cheer on the children! 

Olympic Run   

To celebrate the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, the PE department at Vauxhall Primary School will be motivating the children into following these prestigious games and become inspired by the incredible athletes who take part in them.

As a whole school initiative, we plan for the children to make a virtual run from Vauxhall to Paris. This will involve every pupil running, jogging, or walking 3km -  approximately 15 laps of the school playground.

Our hope is that you, your family and friends can support the children and the school by sponsoring them in this endeavour.

All proceeds will go towards providing new PE equipment to maintain our comprehensive curriculum, including two basketball posts for the playground.

Thank you for your support. 

The Community and Housing Investment in  People (CHIP)  

A big thank you to everyone who joined us for the coffee morning hosted by The Lambeth Contextual Safeguarding Team, in partnership with The Community and Housing Investment in People (CHIP) Charity. It was an engaging and informative workshop!  We look forward to seeing you at the next one.

We've captured some memorable moments from the session, along with inspiring quotes from parents who attended. Take a look below!

"The most important thing I took away from this meeting was that although a child might be safely at home, they are not really as safe as they can still be approached (groomed online)." 

"Playing outside, taking things from strangers, grooming, leaving school and not coming home on time."

"Safety  over children going outside." 

CHIP also provide a range of services for families such as training and job opportunities.  Please see the leaflets below for information.

Helping Ear Network - 2 pages.pdf
Helping Ear Poster. Lambeth Parent Network.pdf


The 'WakeUpWednesday' guides empower and equip parents, carers and educators with the confidence and practical skills to be able to have informed and age-appropriate conversations with children about online safety, mental health and well-being, and climate change. 

Each week we will post a relevant guide to support our school community's knowledge and understanding of how to keep safe online and new things to be aware of. 

This week is an health and well-being focus with Top Tops for promoting physical well-being. Please click on the PDF to enlarge it. 

Article 17 (access to information from the media) Every child has the right to reliable information from a variety of sources, and governments should encourage the media to provide information that children can understand. Governments must help protect children from materials that could harm them. 


 Guess the Teacher 

Can you guess who this member of staff is? 

 Weekly Awards

Headteacher's Award

A big congratulations to the amazing pupils who received the Headteacher’s Award this week! Your hard work and dedication are truly inspiring. Keep up the fantastic work!

Going for Gold Champion

Let's give a huge round of applause to this week's 'Going for Gold' recipients! It's fantastic to see our Wall of Fame growing with your achievements. Well done to all the children who reached Gold this week – keep up the amazing work!

Congratulations to this weeks TT Rockstars class winners -Year 2!

This week's TimesTableRockstar MVP

Well done! 

  Attendance & Punctuality 

This week’s Attendance Award Cup goes to Year 5 with 95% of pupils attending in their class!  

Well done!

Punctuality Owl goes to Reception with 98% of pupils attending school on time this week.


As we enjoy the warmer weather (at last!) , we have planned more outdoor activities and trips that are integral to our curriculum. However, please note that teaching and learning will continue uninterrupted right up to the end of term.

We kindly ask that you avoid scheduling holidays or extended breaks during this period. Consistent attendance ensures that pupils benefit fully from essential lessons and activities, contributing significantly to their academic progress and social development.

Article 28 (right to education) Every child has the right to an education.

Dates for the Diary 

📸School Photo Day - Tuesday 25th June 

🎾Sports Day - Friday 28th June

🖍️EYFS Stay and Play Session - Wednesday 3rd July 

🗳️ School closed - Polling Station for the General Election - Thursday 4th July

💬Parents' Evening  - Wednesday 10th July 

🎓Year 6 Graduation - Friday 12th July 

☀️Summer Sizzler - Wednesday 17th July 

Last day of school- Summer Holidays- Friday 19th July - 2pm FINISH

Oval Learning supports as many people as they can within their school communities including children, young people, parents and carers. Click here to find out more and for low cost no cost family activities this weekend

Article 31 (leisure, play and culture) Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities. 

Term Dates


Contact Us

Vauxhall Primary School, Vauxhall Street , London,  SE11 5LG

Call us:   020 7735 4535 

Email us:  office@vauxhallprimary.org.uk  

Website:  https://www.vauxhallprimary.org.uk/ 

Any queries should be directed to the School Administrator

Any queries related to SEND please contact Queene Darteh, school SENCO.