VPS Newsletter
Welcome to Vauxhall's Newsletter:
Spring 2 , Week 4: Friday 15th March 2024
Remember- All newsletters can be found on our school website, which includes links to archived newsletters.
In this issue...
Headteacher's Comment
Year 2's Cinema Trip
Maths Day
Vauxhall City Farm - After School Club
Comic Relief
Active Travel - StreetTag
...+ our regularly updated Diary Dates, Term Dates, our weekly Headteacher Awards, Weekly Attendance & Punctuality figures and TT Rockstar Champions.
Headteacher's Comment
Here at Vauxhall primary School, we recognise and respect the importance of Ramadan to many of our pupils, families, and staff members as they embark on a period of fasting, prayer, and spiritual reflection.
We understand that fasting during Ramadan can present unique challenges, especially for our Upper Key Stage Two pupils who have chosen to fast during this period. I wanted to take a moment to remind those parents who haven't already done so, to complete the consent form regarding support for fasting pupils. It is essential for us as a school community to come together and provide the necessary support and understanding to ensure that all members of our community can observe Ramadan comfortably and confidently.
Ramadan is a time of immense blessings and opportunities for personal growth and reflection. May this holy month bring peace, happiness, and spiritual fulfillment to all of us.
Ramadan Mubarak to you and your families!
Article 14 (freedom of thought belief and religion)
Every child has the right to think and believe what they choose and also to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights.
Year 2's Cinema Trip
On Tuesday, Year 2 went on a trip to the cinema to see the film 'Mary and the Witch's Flower.' They had an amazing time travelling by underground, with some students going to the cinema for the first time!
Maths Day
On Thursday, our students celebrated World Maths Day by exploring numbers through board games. Some classes played classic games such as Snakes and Ladders and Ludo to develop their number sense, whilst older years created their own fun games. This is a fantastic way to develop mathematical confidence in a fun and enjoyable way.
Vauxhall City Farm
Afterschool Club!
Vauxhall City Farm are offering a free 6-week programme for students aged 8-12 years old. Their newly designed Afterschool Club is aimed to instill a positive attitude towards learning and equip students with skills to help them succeed.
This is a free 6-week programme for students aged 8 – 12 years old.
Thursday afternoons 4pm – 6pm, starting Thursday 18th April.
Designed with a Project Based Learning approach, the group will tackle a real-life problem incorporating the four Cs of the 21st Century Learning Skills: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity.
Assessing the needs of the farm and its community, the young people will determine a ‘problem’ and develop ways in which it could be improved, working together and using a hands-on approach. This may include working with the animals, growing and harvesting fruit and vegetables in our community garden and other practical farm tasks. The core subjects will be embedded throughout the project, incorporating a practical application of Maths and English in line with curriculum targets. The project will culminate in a presentation of their final product and involve their chosen audience, creating an opportunity for reflection and critique on the process, as well as the outcomes.
Please see leaflet attached for more details and how to register.
Active Travel
Thank you to everyone who has been taking part in StreetTag, you have really been representing the school earning points! We hope you have been having fun taking part. Keep up the active travelling.
This is the final week before the leaderboard restarts, so here are some PEcodes which you can use to gain bonus points- they are listed below.
Now, here's the winning playbook to redeem those codes:
Fire up the Street Tag app.
Navigate to the main menu and hit Playground.
Select the PE code option.
Punch in your code and hit redeem.
Blast off with "Earn Street Tag Points."
Article 24 (health and health services) Every child has the right to the best possible health.
Comic Relief
Red Nose Day is an annual fundraising campaign created by Comic Relief to end child poverty throughout the world. The organisation funds programs which help keep children safe and healthy while providing them with support and education. It uses the power of comedy and entertainment to bring people together to have fun and, of course, raise money for the children who need it most.
In the UK and around the world people are facing the impact of poverty and injustice. Give what you can this Red Nose Day to help put food on plates, roofs over heads and keep little ones safe.
If you wish to donate, please click below.
Article 27 (adequate standard of living) Every child has the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical and social needs and support their development.
Weekly Awards
Headteacher's Award
Congratulations to the pupils above who received the Headteacher’s Award this week. Keep up the good work!
Going for Gold Champion
Congratulations to this week's 'Going for Gold' recipients, it's a delight to see our wall of fame growing. Well done to all of the children who reached gold this week!
Congratulations to week's TT Rockstars class winners -Year 4!
This week's TT Rockstar MVP -Well done to you!
Attendance & Punctuality
This week’s Attendance Award Cup goes to Year 3 with 97% of pupils attending in their class!
Well done!
Punctuality Owl goes to Reception with 98% of pupils attending school on time this week.
Attendance and Punctuality
Encourage your child to develop good habits and a positive attitude towards education. If there are any challenges or concerns affecting attendance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our school staff. We are here to support and work together with you to ensure the success of every child.
Let us strive for a term where every child maximises their potential, takes advantage of every learning opportunity, and establishes a foundation for future success.
Thank you for your cooperation and commitment.
Dates for the Diary
🛴Year 2 Scooter Training-Tuesday 19th March
☕Parent Café (Autism Awareness)-Tuesday 19th March
🚌Year 1 Trip -Monday 25th March
🚌Reception Trip -Monday 25th March
🎭Year 4 Easter Performance - Wednesday 27th March
✨Last day of term - Thursday 28th March - 2 pm FINISH
Oval Learning supports as many people as they can within their school communities including children, young people, parents and carers. Click here to find out more and for low cost no cost family activities this weekend
Article 31 (leisure, play and culture) Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.
Term Dates
Contact Us
Vauxhall Primary School, Vauxhall Street , London, SE11 5LG
Call us: 020 7735 4535
Email us: office@vauxhallprimary.org.uk
Website: https://www.vauxhallprimary.org.uk/
Any queries should be directed to the School Administrator
Any queries related to SEND please contact Queene Darteh, school SENCO.