How to Search the Collection

Explore Cuban films with this site's search function

Find the search function at the top right of the page. You can refine your search with quotation marks to search for specific people, genres, decades, and more.


To search for a specific person, place their full name in quotation marks. To search for them in a specific role, put that role before their name (Director, Writer, Cinematographer, Editor, or Music)

Try "director Fernando Peréz", "writer Tomás Gutierréz Alea", or "music Leo Brouwer"


To search for a specific genre or type of film, type "genre [genre name]"

Try "genre documentary", "genre drama", or "genre comedy"


You can search for films by language. Most of the collection falls under "language Spanish", "language English", or "language English and Spanish". In some cases, films are listed as "language English or Spanish" when a film has a dubbed copy.


You can also search by decade by typing the decade in quotes. Films are listed by the decade they were released in, as well as by any decades they document or fictionalize.

Try "1960s" or "2000s"

Visit the Vassar library

Vassar's library is home to over 150 Cuban films in DVD and VHS formats.

Map of the Vassar Main Library

Vassar Library Call Numbers and Maps