About the Plan

About the CIS Multi-Year Plan: In spring of 2019, Vassar College Computing and Information Services (CIS) developed a multi-year planning process to guide our work and ensure we are remaining true to the mission and vision of both CIS and the institution as a whole. The first 3 years of the plan are now complete and were extremely successful, even even the challenges the world faced starting in 2020. You can view the final report for years 1-3 here .

In the spring of 2022, we gathered one again to plan for 2022-2025. CIS participated in multiple exercises to provide input and shape the plan. We sought input from stakeholders and partners both within and from outside Vassar and used that input to refine our plan.

The resulting plan is organized into high-level objectives and the specific goals needed to achieve those objectives. In addition to shaping the objectives and goals we will pursue over the next few years, our process identified supporting values that will inform how we approach our work.

While we endeavored to make our process as inclusive and comprehensive as possible, we expect to adapt our plan periodically as we continue to engage community and external sources about evolving needs, trends, and opportunities. Please - let us know if you have any input or questions!