Welcome to the IB Diploma at Varndean College

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For those who haven’t heard of the International Baccalaureate Diploma before, the choices can be daunting. 

Here at Varndean College we believe the IB programme offers a broad and rewarding alternative to A-level study which empowers learners to be active global citizens who pursue a range of destinations post-18.

The IB Diploma at Varndean provides a unique opportunity for the young people of Sussex to retain a broad curriculum offer post-16, widen their global understanding and obtain world beating results ensuring they are able to study at some of the best universities in the UK.

The aim of this page is to explain the key features of the IB Diploma and why here at Varndean College we are proud to offer the programme and currently stand as the only state funded sixth form college or school in Sussex to offer the Diploma.

The IB Diploma is an exciting and popular alternative to A Levels. You should consider it seriously if you:

The IB Diploma is taught worldwide and is internationally recognised and understood by universities and employers as excellent preparation for further study or employment. It is administered by the International Baccalaureate Organisation, a body which is independent of any government and which has an international perspective.

What is the IB Diploma?

How is the IB different to A-levels?

What can I study as a Diploma student at Varndean?

What is The Core, CAS, EE and ToK?

How is the Diploma graded?

How would I be assessed?

What do I need to pass?


If after exploring our prospectus and this page you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact our admissions team via information@varndean.ac.uk, or contact our IB Diploma Programme Coordinator Lee Finlay-Gray directly via lzg@varndean.ac.uk.

IB Prospectus 2024.pdf

Click the button to apply for 2024 entry

These two short videos produced by the International Baccalaureate Organisation give some unique insight into the IB Diploma here in the UK

Want to know more about the subjects and their content?

Take a look at these Subject Briefs created by the IB:

Read more about what to expect in each subject in these IB produced Subject Briefs.

How do our IB students perform?

May 2023 result headlines

Varndean IB Results over time

 Class of 2023 

 Class of 202

 Class of 202

 Class of 202

 Class of 2019 

 Class of 2018 

IB Destinations 2023

Destinations - Where do students go after the IB?


71% of students applied to UCAS with 67% of successful applicants securing a place at a Russell Group University including two Oxbridge, plus 2 international destinations.

Alumni - What do ex-students do after they have finished university?

Natasha, Class of 2011 - Studied Theology at Oxford, now a comedy writer with the BBC

Sam, Class of 2013 - Studied International Relations at Exeter, now works at the Foreign Office in the communication division.

Jake, Class of 2015 -  Human, Social, Political Sciences at King’s College Cambridge, now working at an international strategic communications and public affairs consultancy NGO


We will shortly be collating some of the amazing work our students have completed over the years in relation to Creativity, Activity and Service.

Watch this space!

Subject Guides

Here you will find the subject guides and specifications from the IB for each Diploma subject we offer

Typical IB Timetables