Savage Elementary
Kindergarten Round Up

Walking Tour of Savage Elementary
Welcome to Savage Elementary!
Super Proud to be a Leader in Me School where we have weekly Town Hall mtgs and Student leadership roles.
Service Learning Projects each year led by our Student Lighthouse Team
Project Lead the Way Science Curriculum (Implementation in 2021-2022 school year)
The K-4 VBPS Gifted & Talented program housed at Savage. If interested in testing, contact Jane Stalmack.
Things we offer:
After School Clubs: Basketball, cheer, bowling, art, STEM, Intramurals.
Active PTO: Family evening events - Movie Nights, Spring Spree.
Technology: Chromebooks, Imagine Learning, eSpark, RAZ Kids and much more.

If using online pre-enrollment, you may upload the required documents:
Three pieces of ID ( proof of residency)
Birth Certificate
Immunization Record (up to date)
IEP (if special services are required)
School of Choice Form