SPSA - Evaluation Template - Revised Version.docx
Categorical Programs Quick Notes 2019-20.docx
Comp Ed docs from Sites.docx

As we start the new year, please review your SPSA for how your SSC agreed to spend the money for the upcoming school year. We are awaiting final Title 1 funds from the state and will update your funding at the end of September. Currently, we do not expect anything less than what you were allocated before we left for summer unless you have decreased enrollment.

Your school site council elections should be announced and held as soon as practical (before back to school if that’s when you are having them) in order to have your first meeting by October 24. At this meeting you should also identify your Parent Advisory Committee members (2) so that they may attend the first meeting on October 25.

Your first ELAC meeting should have time for you on the agenda to review the plan with them.

You may not spend your funding outside of the activities included in your SPSA until you convene a SSC meeting, review and evaluate the data (Sample SPSA Evaluation attached) from the Dashboards, Surveys, etc., and get approval from the SSC to modify the plan.

You may tweak the plan in doc-tracking as you meet and get approval from SSC. We will be taking updated SPSAs to Board at the December meeting.

Title I, Part A funds must be fully and thoughtfully committed to proven evidence-based strategies that improve the overall academic success for all students, and in particular, for those students who are disadvantaged. The CDE recommends that LEAs with schools authorized to operate as a schoolwide program consider the following general criteria when approving activities supported with Title I, Part A funds:

  • Activities meet a need identified in the comprehensive needs assessment;

  • Be an evidenced-based educational strategy;

  • Is reasonable and necessary;

  • Has been approved by the school site council and local governing board;

  • Is included in the Single Plan for Student Achievement; and

  • Is annually evaluated for effectiveness.

SPSA Goals for EL students should not reference AMAOs. Please use language around the ELPI (English Learner Progress Indicator) similar to

“ELPI will increase by __ % points through CELDT test takers increasing 1 CELDT level per year or maintaining Early Advanced or Advanced Levels and maintaining or Increasing (choose appropriate term for your school) the number of students who reclassify.”

Here are some great things you can take your parents to or bring to your campus. In addition, our own Family Engagement Center can work with you to help put together events.

1) California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) Annual Conference

2) CABE Regional Conference

3) California Association of African-American Superintendents and Administrators (CAAASA) Annual Conference

4) Latino Family Literacy Project

5) Embracing Differences Class, this is a great program for Elementary sites. Daliana Rivera (dalirivera@me.com)

Please do not allocate parent engagement title 1 in your SPSA or try to spend the funds on announcing or feeding ELAC, PAC, or SSC. You may spend them on flyers and training materials for BTS, Family nights, AASC, and other events that bring families to the school for educational purposes not celebrations. You may not spend the funds on give aways or decorations at these training events and food should be nothing more than a light snack.

When sending print shop jobs to be charged to family engagement funds they need to be charged to 06-XXX-3010-0-0000-2495-5712

As with all funds in the SPSA you must consult with your parents on expending these funds based on your comprehensive needs assessment.