Zoom Campfire Groups

Zoom Link: https://valverde.zoom.us/j/91916621113?pwd=aWY0RU1IbFFydHNLMTJibGwva2R1UT09

Zoom Meeting ID: 919 1662 1113

Zoom Pass Code: Great

Zoom Meeting Etiquette

Be on Time

-Check technology 10 minutes before meeting

-Log in 5 minutes before meeting.

-MUTE yourself!

-Have video ON

Come Prepared

-Find a quite location with minimal distractions & no pets

-Make sure your device is charged

-Use headset

-Have paper, whiteboard and something to write with


-Stay focused.

-Pay Attention

-Sit up straight

-Be an active participant

-Raise your hand before speaking

-Use appropriate language

Chat Responsibly

-Ask/post only class related questions and comments.

-Use appropriate language

-Be positive

Gronotte: Campfire Groups
Gronotte: Campfire Groups Minimum Day