Knowledge management and transfer

At this point, the new knowledge or skills have been learned. The question is how to avert forgetting and how to strengthen the ability of a student to access learned knowledge at the needed moment when it will be necessary to use it in real, practical situations. In order to strengthen knowledge and to use it in practice, a number of things have to take place. They can take place not only at the end of the lesson, but in the learning events discussed above as well. Repeating what has been learned during the lesson and in the following lessons can be a useful practice and will appear as part of “Give the opportunity to use new knowledge” and “Give feedback” learning events. The transfer of knowledge to other contexts, by linking learning to other subjects or life situations, can help students to understand when to seek the knowledge or skills they have just acquired in their memory. The transfer of knowledge can already appear in the actualisation part, when we draw the attention of the student and link what we are doing today with previous knowledge, as well as the various examples and contexts that we give in the fifth learning event “Guided Learning.” The possibility of using new knowledge and skills in new contexts and situations can also help students. This can be promoted by giving students tasks where knowledge needs to be used in more creative or real-life connected situations. [Skola]

Tell me an example!

The description of the method. Teacher gives students some samples (or asks them to do samples) related to real contexts in which the students can apply the same strategies and knowledge acquired. (Method is offered by Italy)

  • How could you use the knowledge you acquired in today's lesson in life? Can you think of a situation in which you could use what you learned today? What would you like to tell your parents about what you learned today, what would be worth knowing to them?

What did I learn?

Description of the method. Teacher invites students to write:

      • what they learned in that day - in 2-3 minutes;

      • what was the most important in the lesson - in ~ 1 minute;

      • the most important information about the topic in the book - in ~ minutes.

Students can also talk to their classmates. For example, Student A will talk for a minute and student B will discuss for a minute. Both students share their opinions with the class. In two minutes time together with the classmate the student agrees on the main things in today’s lesson. Then they tell it to another pair. (Method is offered by Latvia)

Reflection - idea

The description of the method. Students/ a student expresses an idea about things learned today. (Method is offered by Latvia)

  • The latest technologies make communication faster but they endanger the development of the language.

In Words

The description of the method. While creating a definition in their own words, students also design a symbol, picture or an example. (Method is offered by Latvia)

  • Language. Keywords are words expressing the main idea of the text in a few separate words and help to understand the text. (Examples)

The Press

The description of the method. Student makes a heading for a newspaper article which characterises the topic which is being discussed at the moment. He/she writes the main events. (Method is offered by Latvia)

2 questions

The description of the method. Students write 2 questions which may be included in the test. (Method is offered by Latvia)


The description of the method. The student draws a comic or caricature about the main events/ people, more thinking about idea not about arts (5 minutes)! (Method is offered by Latvia)


The description of the method. Students write the question about the topic, sign it and put it in the box. Then pulls out one card, answers the question and signs the card. (Method is offered by Latvia)


The description of the method. Student writes facts about the topic on a card (the beginning letters are chosen by the teacher based on the topic). (Example)(Method is offered by Latvia)


The description of the method. Students make a mind map about the topic, they have to answer 5 -Wh questions: Who? When? Where? Why? What? (Method is offered by Latvia)


The description of the method. Students individually or in pairs write a short dialog about the topic (5 minūtes)! (Method is offered by Latvia)


The description of the method. Students examine classmate’s notes about the lesson. If it is necessary, completes them and asks questions about the main ideas. (Method is offered by Latvia)

Song/ poem

The description of the method. Students make a song or poem in rap style which includes three main ideas of the lesson. (Method is offered by Latvia)

Bee hive

The description of the method. In order to promote mutual exchange of information and help the students to accept and process the acquired information, and formulate their questions or needs, after giving some information or the period of individual work, students are offered the possibility to exchange opinions with each other. Students are divided into groups of 2-3 people and get 5 minutes to discuss the topic or questions. It is possible to ask each group to shortly tell what was discussed, or invite to speak out the whole class together. (Method is offered by Latvia)

  • “How is this topic connected with real life? “

  • “What questions have appeared about this topic?”

  • “What knowledge or skills do I still need?”


The description of the method. Each student individually draws their own tree with roots, stem and branches on a big sheet of paper. The root reflects their previous knowledge, skills and experience, the stem- what they got to know, learned and acquired, branches- what still should be acquired. Each participant writes down key words in certain places: next to the roots he/she writes what he/she already knew, could do in the past. Next to the stem - what is essential for him/her at the present and next to the branches what he/she still wants to learn, acquire. (Method is offered by Latvia)


  • In order to shorten the process you can ask several students to draw one tree in which similar experiences and common wishes are revealed. Trees can be displayed for shared survey and research. Tree is a useful metaphor; different questions can be added which can be connected with the root, stem and branches. This method can be used for different situations, for example, evaluation of the lesson:

Root= needs when coming to the lesson

Stem= what was acquired in the lesson

Branches =how the acquired knowledge will be used

A letter to yourself

Description of the method. In order to help the students to connect the knowledge and skills acquired in the lesson to real life contexts, each student at the end of the lesson writes the letter to himself/herself where he/she shortly describes what he/she has acquired in the lesson and what can be used in life. After that, the students can exchange the letters and reply to each other. (Method is offered by Latvia)