Students learn the "Internet Traffic Light" poem, helping them understand how to assess "green sites" that are "just right" for them, versus "red sites" that are not appropriate.
Pause and Think Online
From our head down to our toes, and our feet up to our nose, the Digital Citizens are featured in a song helping students pause and think about how to be safe, responsible, and respectful online.
Follow the Digital Trail
Students learn that the information they put online leaves a digital footprint, or "trail," which can be big or small, and helpful or hurtful, depending on how they manage it.
Super Digital Citizen
Students put themselves into the shoes of the Digital Citizen characters, who play superheroes that are able to solve digital dilemmas in responsible ways.
The Power of Words
Help your students build empathy by learning how the words they use online are indeed powerful, and show them strategies they can use when they encounter cyberbullying.
Rings of Responsibility
Students learn about a framework -- the Rings of Responsibility -- to understand how to balance their responsibilities to themselves and others in the digital world.
Media Balance
Students learn a framework for making informed media choices and to help them find healthy media balance in their lives.
Private and Personal Information
Students learn the difference between what personal things they can safely share online and private information that should not be shared.
Saying Goodbye to Technology
Students learn to pause, breathe, and finish up whenever they have to say good-bye to technology.
How does Technology make you feel?
Students learn a poem to help them reflect upon different feelings they might experience when using technology.
Media Balance Song
Students sing along with the Digital Citizens about the importance of media balance, learning how to be mindful of their tech use and how it makes them feel.
The Digital Citizens Song
Students sing along with the Digital Citizens about the amazing possibilities that come with using technology and take a pledge to be safe, responsible, and respectful when traveling through the online world.