Mrs. Amber Mink

I am beginning my 18th year of teaching. This is my 8th year at Valley View, and I absolutely love being a Blazer. I have a bachelor's in Mid-Level Education and a Master's in Theory and Practice, both from ASU. My husband teaches 8th grade History here at Valley View. We have 4 kids that keep us super busy: Mason- 11th grade, Cooper- 9th grade, Hadley- 4th grade, and Sawyer- 2nd grade.

You can reach me through email at  I check my email often throughout the day, but I may have to wait until after school to respond. 

*Supply List*

Folder or a section labeled 'English' in a binder, wide-ruled paper, highlighters, pencils, earbuds (for laptops in all classes), $3 for Reading Incentives.

Optional Items (but appreciated for the whole class): Tissues, a package of pencils, expo markers (any color), paper towels