Social Emotional Support

Need to Find a Therapist?

There are tons of therapists in Montgomery County! CLICK HERE to find one that fits your needs. They can be filtered by presenting concern or location; they can work with you individually or collectively as a family. If none of the therapists on here seem right for you, connect with your school counselor to find more resources. We are always here to help!

Relationship Difficulties?

As social as human being often are, we still have trouble making relationships work. Whether it is a romantic relationship, a family relationship, a friendship, or just someone you share a space with at work or school, we all must learn to interact with each other. Click one of the links below to learn more about a specific topic.





Do You Focus on Self-Care?

What most people would agree on, but few actually work on is "self-care". Sometimes the easiest way to a healthy mental and physical state is to take the time necessary to give yourself what you need. That could be exercise, a better diet, and/or some down time to mentally recharge your batteries.

Look at some of the following self-reflection questions and be honest about the answers.

  • Do you exercise regularly? What barriers are preventing you from doing so?
  • Do you eat foods that are healthy? What small changes can you make that would be easy?
  • Who in your life do you get to share your emotions with from time to time?
  • How much time do you spend... in the house? on your Phone? Watching TV?
  • How much time do you spend... thinking about your world view? focusing on mindfulness?