Weekly Newsletters and Updates

Weekly newsletters will be emailed home on Fridays.


This week of school, assignments will be minimal - there will be no reading vocab or spelling list. 

Friday is the last  day of school and we will be having our final party.  There is no Coyote Club after school on Friday, so please pick your child up at 12:15.

Have a wonderful summer!




As a reminder:






IXL is a wonderful program that Valley is providing for all of our students.  Your child has taken a preliminary test to determine where they are in regard to a wide range of skills.  On your child’s Recommendation Wall are skills where your child had some gaps in learning.  On the Recommendation Wall are also sixth grade skills suggested by the sixth grade team that we would like all students to work on.  The 6th grade teachers encourage all students to log into IXL and complete practice problems throughout the week.  30-60 minutes a week is recommended at this time. Please follow the directions below:



IXL encourages students to work on 6th grade skills twice a week and Recommended Skills twice a week. 


Some quick reminders: