Guided Pathways


At Outwood Grange Academies Trust we firmly believe that all children, irrespective of their starting point, are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum which will enable them to succeed both whilst at the academy and in later life. To that end we are delighted to offer an innovative and knowledge rich curriculum, which enables any student within our academies to fulfil their potential and develop the all-important skills and qualities which will serve them well in later life.

As you will be aware, our Key Stage 4 curriculum is run over Years 9, 10 and 11, rather than the two years (10 and 11) which were traditionally advocated. This additional year is one of the hallmarks of our Trust. This, along with the permanent, supernumerary subject specialist directors of English, maths, science, humanities, modern foreign languages, computer science and the arts, who work across all of our academies, are key to helping the teachers within each academy to add the maximum value that we can to your child’s education.

What are Guided Pathways?

Outwood Academy Valley will offer students course choices which are personal to each student and guide them through the process to what subjects would be right for them to succeed in the future. There will be a mixture of GCSE and other approved courses (eg BTEC). Students will choose three subjects which students start in Year 9; some will complete in Year 10 and some will continue into Year 11.

What do I need to do now?

Students will be asked to choose three course subjects which they feel is right for them for their future career. Each student will continue to study English, maths and science.

Students and parents/carers will need to watch the videos detailing each subject and make a decision based on their engagement in the lesson and what they feel will benefit them in the future. These videos can be accessed above, on the top tabs, titled "Subject Information".

What to choose?

Here is a video from the National Careers Service explaining the best way to choose your option subjects.

Everyone in the UK will be choosing their options around this time, and it is very important you get it right - and don't just follow your friends!

Remember the choices you make now will impact on your future, so choose wisely!