VMS Viking Apparel Store

Welcome to the Viking Apparel Store! On this site you will find a number of clothing and apparel options available throughout the year on a limited basis. Please browse the selections we have made available at this time and place your order using the form below. You will be emailed a receipt to the email address that you provide, with the grand total for your order. No order will be placed until your order has been paid in full.

As of February 2018, we have the following items available:

  • Spirit Socks
  • Viking Mesh Back Hats
  • Vale Viking T-Shirts (Long and Short Sleeve)
  • Vale Viking Hoodies

T-Shirts and Hoodies will have the "Vale Vikings Image" shown here printed on them, large and in the middle. White on black garments, and black on gray garments.

We will be placing our next order on March 1st. Only orders paid in full will be processed as part of this round of orders. The next round of orders won't go in until January or later. Please make your payments at the Vale Middle School Office during regular school hours.

"Vale Vikings Image"

This is a proof of the artwork we will be using for the hat embroidery. This logo will appear off set to left side as you look at the hat from the front. Similar to the image you see below. All hats will be printed with this same concept, but with a version of the logo to the left.

After round one, we discovered that the heather hats might look better with darker thread, so there will be black thread on heather hats going forward. The logo to the left looks great on black snap back hats.

Viking Hat Proof