Class Resources

Google sites

important sites

Google Drive

Google Drive is where you will store your files. Store and work on all of your Google Docs, Slides, etc. for assignments.


Google Classroom is where you will find your assignments and where you will turn them in.

Amplify science

Amplify Science is our science curriculum at WJMS. Log in to Amplify by using Clever (on the right).

Clever Portal

Log into Clever with your VUSD account and log into lots of websites with just one click!

more important sites!


EdPuzzle is a video homework website. You will watch a science video and answer questions as you watch.


Flipgrid is a digital bulletin board where you will create short videos. You will post your video on Flipgrid, see your classmates' videos, and be able to comment on others' videos.


GoFormative is where you will take quizzes and tests for my class. You can also look at your old quizzes and tests, as needed.

School LOop

SchoolLoop is where you can email your teachers and check grades online.