Simple Speak Showdown

Explain Your Research at the UWF Symposium Using Plain Language

Have you ever tried to explain your research without using the jargon of your discipline??

Get creative and describe your work using only the “ten hundred” (1,000) words people use most often. Inspired by the XKCD comic that describes the Saturn V Rocket using only the thousand most common words in English (, speakers will give short (3-4 min) research talks using the same challenge!!

Why should you do this??

When you change the types of words you use to explain your research, you learn to get creative with your word choices! You can tell ANYONE what your research is because you can make things simple and get to the heart of your work. You will learn to break down barriers so people can ask questions and want to learn more about your project!  

Who can participate??

Any UWF student, faculty, or staff member who has or is participating in research can participate, but only current undergraduate students are eligible to compete for the cash awards ($250 for first place; $150 for second place; $100 for third place).  Student participants must be nominated by a faculty member (or other UWF research mentor) to participate. Faculty should email OUR ( to nominate a student or sign up to participate themselves.  Nominations (and acceptance of) are due April 3.

Cash Prizes to the Top Three Winners!


Give a 3-4 minute presentation related to your research using only the 1000 most common words in the English language.  Your presentation should be accompanied by visuals (i.e., PowerPoint slides) that may include “uncommon” (i.e., more technical words).  

Presenters must prepare a script for the oral part of their presentation and use the Up Goer Five Text Editor ( to check their word choices.  Scripts will be submitted to OUR in advance (due Monday, April 15) for verification.    


How to Sign up:

The challenge is open to anyone! Only current UWF undergraduate students are eligible for prizes ($250 for first place, $150 for second place, $100 for third place).  Student participants must be nominated by a faculty member (or other UWF research mentor) to participate. Faculty should email OUR ( to nominate a student or sign up to participate themselves. 

Timeline of Deadlines: