The Science Tourists





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Our Tenerife episode is for our social media subscribers. It is the episode that we are using for film festivals so it is not publicly available. We encourage our fans to subscribe to our YouTube Channel ( or to email us thesciencetourist @ to request access.


Explore the science of Edinburgh the capitol of Scotland. Our family explores the Botanic Gardens, the Royal Observatory, the engineering of James Watt, and the science of James Clerk Maxwell. Jasmina tries her hand at Vegetarian Haggis.

Washington D.C.

Family science exploration of the USA capitol. Visit Ben's Chili Bowl, Mom's Organic Market, and enjoy Jasmina making chili. Mirabai traces the water supplying DC and learns about edible plants at the National Botanical Garden. Romeel and Jarita visit the Department of Terrestral Magnetism where Vera Rubin was a scientists, which leads to a discussion of the discovery of Dark Matter.

Cape Town

Family science travel to Cape Town, South Africa. The beautiful Kirstenbosch Gardens, Iziko Planetarium, and the South African Astronomical Observatory are the science venues. A colorful dinner at the Africa Cafe with Jasmina attempting to make their Cape Malay curry.


Travel with Romeel, Jarita, Mirabai and Jasmina to Glasgow Scotland. Explore mechanical wonder the Falkirk Wheel, the Botanic Gardens has hot houses to explore, and get Medieval at Blackness Castle. Jasmina teaches us how to make scones. We have a funky new intro sequence that we hope you will enjoy!

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