South African Antarctic Philately


Mark Boekstein


Whatsapp: +27 82 7409476

South African Antarctic Philately consists of  a collection of philatelic covers made on ships and flights that leave for Antarctic bases from Cape Town, South Africa. 

The pages include:

Sanae - SA Agulhas II (2013-2024), SA Agulhas (1979-2012), RSA (1959-1978)

Marion Island -  SA Agulhas II (2013-2024), SA Agulhas (1979-2012), RSA (1949-1977)

Gough Island -  SA Agulhas II (2013-2023), SA Agulhas (1979-2012), RSA (1955-1978)

Stamp issues - Antarctica and sub-Antarctic islands

Bouvet Island

RS/NS Africana

Russian expditions - Akademik Federov and ships

Indian expeditions

South African Antarctic Philately2.ppt
Antarctic philately - role in preserving the history of South Africa.pdf