Andrew O. Shumway

Greetings! I am a graduate researcher pursuing a dual-title PhD in Earth and Space Sciences and Astrobiology at the University of Washington. I study the elusive role of water on Mars with my advisor, Professor David Catling. Coming from a background in Physics (B.S. Georgia Tech, 2018), I now apply my skills to experimental and computational research in planetary geochemistry and astrobiology. I am also a member of the Perseverance rover science team, where I work on the PIXL instrument to study the composition of rocks and regolith on Mars! Learn more about my current projects and interests on the research page.

Outside of the lab, you can usually find me hiking, birdwatching, doing wildlife photography, snowboarding, kayaking, rock climbing, playing guitar, or playing board games. 


Email: shumway 'at' uw 'dot' edu

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