Day 1
Climate Change is a Hot Issue

Climate change is a hot topic, and not just because it’s summertime! The scientific evidence is in. No matter what local weather we experience on a day-to-day basis, our planet is getting warmer, with far-reaching implications for all of us. Scientists are trying to uncover how the Earth will respond, how living things on Earth will be able to adapt, and what we can do to slow down our warming climate.

Supplies You Will Need

  • Basic NOAA Science Camp supplies (scissors, tape, ruler, pencil, etc.)

  • Tall plastic soda bottle

  • Small glass jar (ex. jam jar)

  • Non-electric Thermometer (that will fit in soda bottle)

Note to Parents: Skip the Ads!

Many of the videos you will be viewing are on YouTube, and unfortunately, these often start with ads. Just have your young scientists click the "Skip" button as they are able to move straight to the video.

Get up to Speed!

cartoon with arrows showing N2O, O3, CO2, and CH4 rising up into the atmosphere

Oceans of Climate Change

Oceanographer Josh Willis discusses the heat capacity of water, performs an experiment to demonstrate heat capacity using a water balloon and describes how water's ability to store heat affects Earth's climate. (4 mins)

cartoon of a seagull standing in front of their small house with blue sky in the background

Climate vs. Weather

What's the difference between weather and climate? This short video helps explain the difference. (2 mins)

Picture of Bill Nye, the Science Guy

Climate Change 101 w/ Bill Nye

Climate Change is a real and serious issue. In this National Geographic video Bill Nye, the Science Guy, explains what causes climate change, how it affects our planet, why we need to act promptly to mitigate its effects, and how each of us can contribute to a solution. (4 mins)

Dive a little Deeper

Already an Expert? Test your climate knowledge!

Take this interactive NASA quiz to find out how much you already know about our changing climate.


It's Getting Hot in Here

Model your very own greenhouse effect with this hands-on experiment you can try at home!


If you Want to Learn more...

Cartoon image of fictional super hero characters of different greenhouse gases

Meet the Greenhouse Gasses

What are the greenhouse gasses? NASA introduces us to these colorful characters.

How do Greenhouse Gasses Actually Work?

What exactly is going on with the gas molecules in our atmosphere? This animation illustrates how greenhouse gasses work.(3 mins)

If You want to Do More...

Calculate Your Own Carbon Footprint!

What impact are YOU having on our climate? Many of our daily activities - such as using electricity, driving a car, or disposing of waste - cause greenhouse gas emissions. Together these emissions make up a household's carbon footprint. Use this calculator from the Environmental Protection Agency to find out!