
Atomic force microscope

Bruker Dimension Edge (2014)

(in B308)

Optical microscopes

Zeiss Axiovert with 3.4 mm with high power LWD lenses

Marzhauser nanomanipulator with Tango 3 desktop controller

Olympus BX51

Heated transfer stages

(in B308)

1.5 K magnetotransport cryostat

He-4 VTI and He-3 inserts in an 16 T Oxford superconducting​ magnet dewar with helium reliquifier

(in B308)

Dilution refrigerator with 14 T magnet and piezo control

Blufors BF-LD250

Developed with NSF MRI grant DMR-172522​​1

(in B025)

4 K adsorption cryostat

Based on a Janis G-M cooler. Accurate pressure gauges for gas manifold. Can be used for simple 4 K testing.

(in B310)

4 K optical cryostat

Montana Instruments 4 K cyrostation with 7 T superconducting magnet and free-space optics

Tube furnaces

for PVT growth and annealing

(in B308)

Glove box transfer stage

<0.5% water and oxygen

(in B010)

TESCAN VEGA scanning electron microscope

with lithography package

(in B010)

Rapid thermal annealer (left)

Oxygen plasma etcher (right)

(in B310)

Wire bonder

Westbond 747677E-79 wedge/ball bonder

(in B308)

Electrical probe/test station

Vacuum sample storage

(in B310)

Fume hood with resist spin coater

(in B308)