
Courses taught

As Instructor of Record

LING 451/551Phonology I

Winter 2022

Department of Linguistics, University of Washington

LING 234Language and Diversity

Winter 2022

Department of Linguistics, University of Washington

LING 451/551 – Phonology I

Spring 2022

Department of Linguistics, University of Washington

LING 452/552 – Phonology II

Spring 2022

Department of Linguistics, University of Washington

LINGUIS 100 – Introduction to Linguistic Science

Summer 2020

Department of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley

As teaching assistant

LINGUIS 110 – Phonetics

Instructor: Prof. Susan Lin

Fall 2019

Department of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley

LINGUIS 111 – Phonology

Instructor: Prof. Darya Kavitskaya

Spring 2019

Department of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley

LINGUIS 100 – Introduction to Linguistic Science

Instructor: Prof. Peter Jenks

Fall 2017

Department of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley

LIN4726 – Acoustique de la parole

Instructor: Prof. Ian MacKay

Fall 2015

Department of Linguistics, University of Ottawa

Awards and Certification

Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award


Graduate Student Instructor Teaching and Resource Center, University of California, Berkeley

Awarded to 10% of GSIs, in recognition of exceptional achievements as a teacher

Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

2017 – 2020

Graduate Student Instructor Teaching & Resource Center, University of California, Berkeley

Certificate in Remote Instruction


Graduate Student Instructor Teaching & Resource Center, University of California, Berkeley

Indigenous languages literacy workshops


Escola Municipal Indígena Matukre, Panará Indigenous Land (MT, Brazil) July 2019, 7 days

Escola Municipal Indígena Matukre, Panará Indigenous Land (MT, Brazil) August 2018, 10 days

Escola Municipal Indígena Matukre, Panará Indigenous Land (MT, Brazil) July 2017, 5 days

Escola Municipal Indígena Matukre, Panará Indigenous Land (MT, Brazil) July 2016, 4 days

Escola Municipal Indígena Matukre, Panará Indigenous Land (MT, Brazil) June 2015, 3 days


Escola Estadual Indígena Goronã, Capoto Indigenous Land (MT, Brazil) July 2018, 3 days


Linguistic fieldwork training on A'uwẽ (Xavante) [xav] in Mato Grosso, Brazil

I accompanied two undergraduate students to the indigenous village of Village of Ẽtẽnhiritipa, in the Pimentel Barbosa Indigenous Land (Mato Grosso, Brazil). During this time, we practiced several fieldwork methodologies, such as lexical elicitation, gramamtical elicitation, participant observation, fieldwork data processing, and data archiving. We also learned ways to conduct ethical fieldwork, to involve the community in our language work, and to deal with culture shock in the field. Since then, I am advising both students on independent research projects using our fieldwork data.

Project: Xavante Documentation Project

Teela Huff, Summer 2019

Nicholas Carrick, Summer 2019

LINGUIS 198 – Directed Group Study and Research

Spring 2020

A Phonemic Reconstruction of Northern Jê

Department of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley

LINGUIS 198 – Directed Group Study and Research

Fall 2019

The Xavante Documentation Project

Department of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley

Graduate student mentor for the Linguistics Research Apprentice Practicum (LRAP)

Project: A genetic classification of Jê languages

Teela Huff, Fall 2018, Spring 2019

Joey Hochman, Fall 2018, Spring 2019

Paul Rigby, Spring 2018

Tyler Kline, Fall 2017, Spring 2018

Ariana Rutledge, Fall 2017, Spring 2018

Project: Post-oralization and devoicing of nasal consonants in Panãra

Anjelica Ramos, Spring 2019, Fall 2019

Chris Mitchell, Fall 2017, Spring 2019, Fall 2019

Karina Fong-Hirschfelder, Fall 2018, Spring 2019

Qingyang Wang, Fall 2018

Brittany Nguyen, Fall 2018

Jessica Wang, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Summer 2018

Marina Hansson, Spring 2018

Priyasundari Natarajan, Spring 2018

Bryce Smith, Spring 2017

The LRAP matches Linguistics graduate mentors with undergraduate research apprentices. LRAP provides graduate students with research advising and mentoring experience and gives undergraduates the opportunity to participate in original linguistic research.