Teaching Resources

Page Contents

LING Dept Teaching Resources

UW LING Dept's Teaching Policies and Procedures for graduate TAs

Laura McGarrity 's Canvas 'sandbox' for TA materials (restricted to enrolled UW LING TAs -- requires UW Net ID)

UW Teaching Resources

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)


The Center for Teaching and Learning promotes student learning by supporting and strengthening UW teaching. We focus on evidence-based teaching, building global classrooms, and sustaining equitable learning communities. Through the use of peer learning & peer mentoring approaches, we  collaborate with groups of faculty members, teaching assistants, graduate instructors, staff educators, and post-doctoral students. 

UW-IT Help


One of the best resources for information and help with online tools is UW Information Technology, or UW-IT. They have many online tutorials and help pages on a variety of topics and tools (ranging from email, UW licensed software, classroom management technologies such as Canvas, lecture capture tools such as Panopto, and videoconferencing software such as Zoom).  They are also an invaluable source for seeking help with these tools. Visit their help page online https://itconnect.uw.edu/help/ or email them at help@uw.edu.

CANVAS (Classroom management)


Canvas is the official learning management system (LMS) of the UW. Canvas simplifies course management tasks such as posting course materials, grading, communicating with students, etc. Students can use Canvas to access course content, submit assignments, and collaborate with peers and instructors. 

PANOPTO (Lecture capture)


Panopto is the UW-IT supported lecture capture solution. Use it to easily record and review videos from courses, lectures, and presentations. As a cloud-enabled service, Panopto is designed to simplify the lecture capture process. Recordings in Panopto are viewable on most Web browsers and mobile devices.

ZOOM (Video conferencing)


Zoom offers cloud video conferencing, online meetings, and provides the option to record. It  offers video, audio, and wireless screen-sharing. Zoom allows you to:

Other helpful UW links

Online Linguistics Resources