Gallery of Heroes

A portal to Heroes & their Stories by Creative Teams  in "Heroines & Heroes," University of Washington, Fall 2020

Not just "another hero": 

Saving the world from oppressive stereotypes of gender and race

Barbara Kruger, Untitled (We Don't Need Another Hero), 1987 

Gabriela Rodriguez  is a Mexican-American empath who fights demons while invisible.

Knox is a squid-like alien shapeshifter who fights crime in Seattle.

Luna Valentina is a Mexican-American spy who uses telekinesis and telepathy to combat evil scientists.

Sunny is a non-binary community activist who controls sunlight  to fight injustice and discrimination.

Tera is a flora-spirit who controls plant life to sustain the environment and save the planet.  

From Achilles 

to Ms. Marvel

"Heroines & Heroes" (German 285/ C LIT 351), University of Washington, Fall 2020

Prof. Ellwood Wiggins

Department of German Studies, University of Washington