Food Sciences Lessons

Culinary Macromolecules

These lessons explores proteins, fats, and carbohydrates through the lens of food sciences.  
For use in culinary, food sciences, and biology classes.

Quick links to Protein Lesson components:

Each macromolecule section on the website follows the same 5-E structure:

Engage: A short quiz that connects to students’ prior knowledge, addresses misconceptions, and primes students for learning about that macromolecule.

Explore: A hands-on activity that provides a common base of experience for students to develop their understanding of the topic.

Explain: Background information about the macromolecule is given to students and formal concepts are introduced.

Elaborate: Several laboratory experiences and/or additional lessons are provided for teachers to mix-and-match as they wish.

Evaluate: Comprehension questions and assessment tools are available for students to use to assess their understanding.

Looking for more lessons from Genome Sciences Education Outreach? Here they are.