Ethics of Access:
Vaccines and Insulin

Driving Question:

How do we decide who has access to health care resources in the face of conflicting choices? 

By the end of this lesson, we hope that you have learned:

In today’s lesson, we will:

Part A -- Flu Vaccines

1. Make decisions about access to a fictional flu vaccine (15 min)

2. Learn from the experts (10 min)

3. Support or revise your decisions (15 min)

Part B -- Insulin

4. Learn about the role and cost of insulin (25 min)

5. Identify the stakeholders (10 min)

6. Use a decision-making model to make decisions about access to insulin (30 min)

Discussion Norms: Talking about complex issues that people may disagree about may be uncomfortable. It is important to review or create classroom discussion ground rules (norms) before beginning this module. Instructions for doing this can be found here.

Lesson Credits: The Pandemic Flu scenarios, decision-making framework, and supporting documents are from Bioethics 101, from the Northwest Association for Biomedical Research