CAT Administration for the Communicative Participation Item Bank (CPIB): A Resource ePortfolio for Speech-Language Pathologists
This site provides access to the Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) administration for the Communicative Participation Item Bank (CPIB), access to the paper short form, and additional information about the CPIB. For a quick start, follow these instructions for the CAT administration and follow the link below for the CAT website:
When you enter the CAT website, use the "default" settings.
When you have received the message that the administration is complete, click on the "generate report" button to get the score. When the score page comes up at the end, please write down or record your client's score elsewhere. For security and privacy purposes, scores cannot be stored on this administration website.
Interpreting scores: Remember that scores are reported as T-scores which means a score of 50 = the mean of the calibration sample when the CPIB was developed (50 = the mean score of over 700 adults across various communication disorders). The standard deviation is 10 and higher scores reflect better participation. Theoretically, someone who reports no problems with communicative participation (i.e. the ideal score) would receive a T-score of 74.3 on this CAT format which represents roughly 2.5 standard deviations above the mean of the calibration sample of people with communication disorders.
Click on the link below to administer the CPIB: