Other Resources

Child Care Resources for Attendees

Various child care resources and schools are available in the vicinity of the University of Washington, Seattle campus. The organizers suggest the following options for drop-in and short-term child care for the duration of the meeting. 

The Trettin Early Learning Center is within 15 minute walking distance of the meeting venue and offers drop-in care for young toddlers and children up to 6 years old. 

Bright Horizons has three locations near the campus (U Village, Wallingford, and Southlake Union) that also offer drop-in as well as other options such as at-home care for toddlers and young children.

Harassment Policy

The PI meeting will follow the harassment policies of the University of Washington. Title IX, Title VII, VAWA, Washington state law, and University of Washington policies collectively prohibit discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender expression, pregnant or parenting status, and LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) identity. Sexual assault, sexual harassment, relationship violence, and stalking are among the forms of discrimination UW policy prohibits. Retaliation for raising concerns about any of these behaviors is also prohibited.

Title IX and UW policies apply to and protect students, staff, faculty, and other academic personnel at all campuses, sites, and programs affiliated with the University. Visitors are expected to follow the conduct expectations of UW community members and may report violations of policies by UW community members. The aforementioned policies can be found at https://www.washington.edu/titleix/policies/, and will be disseminated to conference attendees both before and during the conference.