
The University of Washington Tacoma conducted an oceanographic survey of Clayoquot Sound aboard the R/V Barnes (figure 1) 8-15 September 2015. CTD profiles were obtained at 43 stations in Clayoquot Sound with discrete water samples collected at select stations with the CTD Rosette (figure 2). CTD data included temperature, salinity, density, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence and transmissivity. Discrete water samples for dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll-a, nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate and silicate) and phytoplankton were collected at the surface, the chlorophyll-maximum and near bottom (figure 3). A secchi disk (figure 4) measurement and vertical 20 um mesh phytoplankton net tow (figure 5) was also done at the discrete water sample stations. In addition, microplastics net tows (figure 10) were run each day along the sea surface and van veen (figure 9) or craib corer (figure 8) sediment short core samples were also collected at select stations.

Discrete water samples for dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll-a were processed on board (figure 11) as a check on CTD measurements and phytoplankton net samples were counted on board daily (figures 6 & 7). Surface and chlorophyll- maximum phytoplankton samples were preserved with formalin and counted back in the lab. Nutrient samples were frozen and then processed by the UW Seattle Oceanography Chemistry Lab. Microplastics and sediment samples were refrigerated and brought back to the UWT lab for processing.

This class website focuses on reporting and analyzing the results from the CTD and nutrient data.

Figure 1. R/V Barnes in Clayoquot Sound

Figure 2. CTD

Figure 3. Water sampling from rosette.

Figure 4. Secchi Disk

Figure 5. Plankton Net

Figure 6. Counting phytoplankton

Figure 7. Phytoplankton - Coscinodiscus

Figure 8. Craib Corer sediment sampler

Figure 9. Van Veen sediment grab sampler

Figure 10. Microplastics Net

Figure 11. Running dissolved oxygen & chlorophyll-a samples in shipboard lab.