

THURSDAY 20.10.2022.

University of Warsaw Library, Dobra 56/66, room 254

Session 1. Logic and its history (1)

10.00-10.20 OPENING

10.20-11.00 Marcin TKACZYK (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin) History and Logic in the History of Logic

11.00-11.40 Colin G. KING (Providence College/University of Basel) Reforming Aristotle’s Logic in Brentano’s School

11.40-12.00 COFFEE BREAK

12.00-12.40 Andrzej INDRZEJCZAK (University of Lodz) Stanisław Jaśkowski and the Problem of Natural Representation of Reasoning

12.40-13.20 Kordula ŚWIĘTORZECKA (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) From the Philosophical Methods of the LWS. Formalization in Action: `The Proof of Sincere' on the Basis of Set Theory with Mereology

Session 2. Logic and its history (2)

15.00-15.40 Bernard LINSKY (University of Alberta) Reflections on “The Principle of Contradiction and Symbolic Logic” [online]

15.40-16.20 Marcin TREPCZYŃSKI & Marcin BĘDKOWSKI (University of Warsaw) Theory of Reasoning From the Lvov-Warsaw School and Medieval Biblical Exegesis

16.20-16.40 COFFEE BREAK

16.40-17.20 Urszula WYBRANIEC-SKARDOWSKA (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw)The Pioneering Proving Methods as Applied in the Warsaw School of Logic – Their Historical and Contemporary Significance [online]

17.20-18.00 Zuzana RYBAŘIKOVÁ (University of Ostrava) Mathematical Logic in the History of Logic: Łukasiewicz’s Requirement and Its Reception

FIRDAY 21.10.2022.

Faculty of Philosophy, Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, Alfred Tarski’s Room (102)

Session 3. Logic and its history (3)

10.40-11.20 Roman MURAWSKI (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań) Connections Between Lvov-Warsaw School and the University in Poznan [online]

11.20-11.40 COFFEE BREAK

11.40-12.20 Adam TRYBUS (Jagiellonian University) Łukasiewicz's Nachlass: A Field Report from Manchester

12.20-13.00 Witold PŁOTKA (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) The Method of Descriptive Psychology in Twardowski’s Texts and Lectures in 1890s and 1900s

Session 4. The rise of semantics

15.00-15.40 Ilkka NIINILUOTO (University of Helsinki) Kotarbiński’s Semantic Reism [online]

15.40-16.20 Jan WOLEŃSKI (University of Information, Technology, and Management in Rzeszow) Syntax, Semantics, and Tarski’s Truth Definition

16.20-17.00 Anna BROŻEK (University of Warsaw) Ajdukiewicz’s Semantic Turn

SATURDAY 22.10.2022

University of Warsaw Library, Dobra 56/66, room 254

Session 5. History of the LWS

10.00-10.40 Venanzio RASPA (University of Urbino) Meinong and Twardowski on Representations and Judgments

10.40-11.20 Arkadiusz CHRUDZIMSKI (Jagiellonian University) Bocheński on Analogy

11.20-11.40 COFFEE BREAK

11.40-12.20 Stepan IVANYK (Kazimierz Twardowski Philosophical Society of Lviv) Historical and Conceptual Analysis of the English Name "the Lvov-Warsaw School" [online]

12.20-13.00 Marcin BĘDKOWSKI (University of Warsaw) Höfler, Stebbing, Twardowski – the Historical Roots of Pragmatic Logic

Session 6. History in the LWS

14.30-15.10 Ihor KARIVETS (Lviv Polytechnics National University) Конструктивістські тенденції в історично-філософських дослідженнях Казимира Твардовського [Constructive Tendencies in Twardowski’s Studies in the History of Philosophy] [UA] [online]

15.10-15.50 Andrij SYNYTSIA (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv) Розвиток ідей філософської антропології у працях українських мислителів Львівсько-Варшавської школи / The Development of the Ideas of Philosophical Anthropology in the Writings of Lviv-Warsaw School's Ukrainian Thinkers [UA] [online]

15.50-16.10 COFFEE BREAK

16.10-16.50 Marek LECHNIAK (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin) Historia logiki a historia filozofii w Szkole Lwowsko-Warszawskiej. Uwagi metodologiczne / History of Logic versus History of Philosophy in the Lvov-Warsaw School. Methodological Remarks [PL]

16.50-17.30 Marek REMBIERZ (University of Silesia) O wartościowaniu i wartościach (w) historii filozofii w Szkole Lwowsko-Warszawskiej / On Evaluations and Values in/of the History of Philosophy in the Lvov-Warsaw School [PL]

SUNDAY 23.10.2022

University of Warsaw Library, Dobra 56/66, room 254

Session 7. Miscelanea [PL]

10.00-10.40 Joanna ZEGZUŁA-NOWAK (University of Zielona Góra) Mieczysław Wallis – historyk sztuki o proweniencji filozoficznej czy filozof o inklinacjach artystyczno-estetycznych? Rozważania w świetle analizy materiałów archiwalnych / Mieczysław Wallis – A Historian of Art of Philosophical Provenance or a Philosopher of Artistic-Aesthetic Inclinations?

10.40-11.20 Tomasz MRÓZ (University of Zielona Góra) Czy Władysław Tatarkiewicz, historyk filozofii, należał do Szkoły Lwowsko-Warszawskiej? / Was Władysław Tatarkiewicz a Member of the Lvov-Warsaw School?

11.20-11.40 COFFEE BREAK

11.40-12.20 Ryszard MORDARSKI (Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz) Koncepcja felicytologii Władysława Tatarkiewicza na tle współczesnych filozofii szczęścia / Władysław Tatarkiewicz’s Conception of Happiness Against the Contemporary Approaches

12.20-13.00 Wojciech RECHLEWICZ (Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz) Władysława Witwickiego psychologiczna koncepcja wiary religijnej / Władysław Witwicki’s Psychological Conception of Religious Faith

Session 8. Miscelanea [PL] [ONLINE SESSION]

15.00-15.40 Wioletta MIŚKIEWICZ (The French National Center of Scientific Research/ Archives Henri-Poincaré UMR 7117) O wartości historiozoficznej artefaktów wydawniczych / On Historical Value of Publishing Artifacts [online]

15.40-16.20 Adam OLECH (Jan Długosz University of Częstochowa) W sprawie idiogenicznej teorii sądu - raz jeszcze / On Idiogenic Theory of Judgement once more [online]

16.20-16.40 COFFEE BREAK

16.40-17.20 Zbigniew ORBIK (Silesian University of Technology) Filozofia nauki w twórczości Izydory Dąmbskiej / Philosophy of Science in Izydora Dąmbska’s Output [online]

17.20-18.00 Amadeusz CITLAK (Polish Academy of Sciences) Psychologia szkoły Twardowskiego wobec kryzysu/problemów współczesnej psychologii / Psychology of Twardowski’s School against the Crisis/Problems of Contemporary Psychology [online]