Color Palette

Last Update: 11/04/2018

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Black, is the base color across the Univision system for generic topics, TV and shows.

#000 - primary

#333 - secondary

Blue Noticias is the color base for the news vertical.

#2358BF - primary

#23A2EE - secondary

Aqua Deportes is the color base for the sports vertical.

#00C473 - primary

#4AE1A2 - secondary

Purple Entretenimiento is the color base for the entertainment vertical.

#B5008F - primary

#E41F7B - secondary

#181818 - black gray

#333 - darker gray

#808080 - gray black

#A2A2A2 - gray

#D2D2D2 - light gray

#ECECEC - white gray

#F5F5F5 - very light gray

Reds are used for UFORIA but also for LIVEBLOG and EN VIVO labels.

#BC0D0D - dark red

#DE252C - red

#E44233 - light red

#F77957 - orange red

Purple used for horoscopes

#863699 - purple

#486bb4 - facebook

#63ACFC - twitter

#C9007E - instagram

#25D366 - whatsapp

#FFFC00 - snapchat

#FF0000 - youtube