
10/05/2021- Please see Updated Tabs for Season Information, practice schedule, SAISD Invitational, Season Pictures, Individual Pictures and Upcoming Fall Break!

We are currently in the 2021/2022 season!

This page is designed to keep UCISD swim athletes, parents and community informed about everything Coyote and Lobo Swimming. This page includes: a season schedule, monthly practice schedules, workouts, team photos, swim videos and general information. It doesn't matter if you're the best swimmer or athlete, as long as you're willing to work hard and show dedication to the team you'd be a perfect fit.

Swimming is a lot of hard work, but it is also a lot of fun and very rewarding. It is also a great sport for dual athletes. It helps develop balance, core strength, full body muscle, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance and various other skills needed for success in all athletics.

If you like to swim, have any questions about swimming or are interested in joining the UHS Swim Team, please feel free to contact Coach Nordwick at snordwick4584@uvaldecisd.net or by phone at (830) 591-4928 ext.1226.